Bad Henkings


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Bad Henkings

This song is a collaboration among
Alister Flint, Chris Vaisvil and me.

The title is an anagram but I will not reveal the source.

The image has some obscure reference to the song, so cryptic I forgot about that.

Chris posted an initial file that I mangled beyond recognition with
Metasynth, Alister disfigured it even more adding effects, drums, percussions.
I then added the trumpet part (thanks to Camel Audio Alchemy) that, of course, uses the
Carlos Gamma tuning system. Chris’s file was microtonal too but using a different tuning system (its name has something to do with the title so I will not tell you anything about it). Alister used one more tuning system so the tune is definitely poly-microtonal! Al then added voices so that the final piece sounds like a band from some unknown planet playing at a Martian cosmodrome while aliens wait to embark for their galactic journeys.

I hope you enjoy the trip!

C. L. commented:
What is going on with the stereo image here?  Come clean, it is shrinking my head!  I'm guessing it's in Alister's part. 
Henk Badings, no doubt.