Switching from iWeb to RapidWeaver


I have been using iWeb for a couple of years to maintain my site and a few others. I had had a web site for a long time maintained by a friend of mine. Maybe someone remembers it (Flash animation etc.) but I was not able to change anything without his help, so, in the summer of 2006, in the process of changing web hosting provider I decided to start from scratch and do everything myself. Thanks to iWeb I succeeded in putting together a web site. A simple but functional one. When, recently, I started thinking about adding a blog to my web site I discovered that a few important functions were not available without publishing to mac.com. It makes sense, in a way, because iWeb and mac.com are both Apple products but it turned me off and decided to rebuild the site once more. I have cut and pasted a lot of contents from one to the other but still, it took me a good amount of time to transfer all the things I decided to keep from the old one. The site you are looking at is a simple one because I do not have the necessary skills to customize RW's themes and because I prefer to spend my time playing and composing music rather than programming, but, nevertheless, it looks "professional" to me. So I am an happy customer and hope you enjoy this site too!